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Small Euroview logo Project Objectives

Project EuroView will bring standards-based directory services to the varied world of European administration. Benefits already enjoyed by a growing number of research institutes and universities will be made accessible to government officials, customs officers, agriculture ministries, and all the myriad intercommunicating parts of modern European administrations.

EuroView will build on the X.500-based directory technology developed during the PARADISE project and proven in large-scale use as the DANTE NameFLOW service. X.500 is a fully distributed system which allows all participating organisations to have local control over the information that they make available, while at the same time presenting a single, easy-to-use service to users.

Starting with a survey of the particular needs and concerns of European Administrations, EuroView will express these requirements in terms of the X.500 standard. Data from sample user communities will be loaded, user interfaces built or adapted, and demonstrations arranged.

By helping Administration to locate correspondents more easily, EuroView will aid communication and thus improve the effectiveness of all Governmental agencies.

Users Involved

The EuroView User Group includes administrations from several sectors: finance, agriculture, local government, and social affairs. This broad base will ensure wide acceptability of the project results. EuroView will be able to demonstrate both cross-sector and transnational communication.

Technologies and Approach

The internationally-accepted ISO/ITU X.500 directory system will be at the core of EuroView. Technology will include X.500 DSA technology from Dr Materna and Isode Limited, PC-Pages from Brunel University, and the well-known Netscape and Explorer browsers for Internet users.

Benefits to the Citizen

EuroView will make communication with, between, and within administrations easier and more efficient by providing a high-quality directory service. Citizens will benefit from the efficiency gains, and also directly, through easier communication with relevant administrations.

Benefits to Users

EuroView will allow users to build a unified view of directory information that is currently spread across many different sources. By providing a fully distributed system, EuroView will place the owners of directory information in direct control of their data, thus ensuring timely processing of updates and compliance with data protection legislation.

Benefits to EU Industry

The European IT industry will be strengthened in its ability to service the needs of Administration. By planting the seed of a public directory service, EuroView will lead the way towards easier communication for all, with European companies being among the first to provide this new form of service.

Contribution to EU Policies

Easier communication between member states will strengthen the internal market. Easier communication between industry and administrations will help SMEs find their way to new markets and opportunities. Easier communication between peer administrations in member states will promote co-operation and the flow of essential information in Europe.