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Want to change Control Centers default http port

Subject: Want to change Control Centers default http port
Author: Takuma Fukumoto
Posted: 2020-10-29 01:56

I've noticed Control Centers is using http(80) and https(443) as a default port and
I want to change this because this server will be used for other apache httpd service.
I tried to change SERVICED_UI_PORT to other port like 1443
and it worked for https(443) but http(80) is still active and it keeps forwarding to 443.
I also want to change http(80) so where is the configuration for this or is there operation to change this.
Control Center's version is the newest 1.6.3

Takuma Fukumoto

Subject: RE: Want to change Control Centers default http port
Author: Chaskiel Grundman
Posted: 2020-11-02 17:19

Subject: RE: Want to change Control Centers default http port
Author: Takuma Fukumoto
Posted: 2020-11-04 03:34

Thanks for the reply.
I think I should give up using 80 and 443 port.
It sounds that I should not touch with this.

Takuma Fukumoto

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