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Community Distributed collector on Zenoss CORE 6

Subject: Community Distributed collector on Zenoss CORE 6
Author: VP
Posted: 2020-06-24 07:44


Has anyone tried using Distributed Collector Version 2.0.2-  on Zenoss CORE  6. The ZenPack doesn't exclusively mention it's compatibility with Zenoss CORE 6, nonetheless I went ahead and tried to install the zenpack and I see the following error.
If anyone was successful in installing and running it could you please help me with the following error.

time="2020-06-24T11:25:41Z" level=info msg="Loaded delegate keys from file" keyfile="/etc/serviced/delegate.keys" location="localkeys.go:339" logger=auth 

E0624 11:27:51.723751 00001 proxy.go:276] Error TLS (net.Dial): dial tcp4 getsockopt: connection timed out

Service MariaDB connectivity not starting. Output: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0
ERROR:zen.zendb:Error executing command: ['mysql', '--batch', '--skip-column-names', '--user=zenoss', '--host=', '--port=3306', '--database=zodb']
; error: exit status 1

E0624 11:31:49.291658 00001 proxy.go:276] Error TLS (net.Dial): dial tcp4 getsockopt: connection timed out

Service MariaDB connectivity not starting. Output: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0
ERROR:zen.zendb:Error executing command: ['mysql', '--batch', '--skip-column-names', '--user=zenoss', '--host=', '--port=3306', '--database=zodb']
; error: exit status 1

vinay paduru

Subject: RE: Community Distributed collector on Zenoss CORE 6
Author: Michael Rogers
Posted: 2020-06-30 12:49


Due to changes between Zenoss Core versions 4 and 5/6, it is highly unlikely that the Community Distributed Collector ZenPack will work on anything after version 4.  If you have not already done so, I would recommend rolling back to a backup from before installing the ZenPack.  

Looking at the ZenPack code (link), it looks like it attempts to update some config files during setup.  Due to architectural changes between Zenoss 4 and 5, some of these config files no longer exist.  

Some other changes between 4 and 5/6:

Zenoss versions 5 and higher rely on isolating processes in their own Docker containers.  Collector services (both local and remote) all start from the same base Docker image file, which this ZenPack does not account for.  The ZenPack assumes that each collector will be running on directly on its own host, and that code updates can be accomplished by rsynching from host to host.  This is not the case for Zenoss 5 or 6.

The ZenPack docs include instructions for configuring a "render URL."  This was required in Zenoss 4 as each collected device metric was stored as an individual .rrd file on the host where the collector service ran.  Zenoss 5 replaced RRDTool and individual .rrd files with OpenTSDB.  If you could get the ZenPack to install, and somehow get a remote collector to collect, I'm not 100% sure that graphs would render in the UI, or if the (now unused) render URLs would simply be ignored.

Michael J. Rogers
Senior Instructor - Zenoss
Austin TX

Subject: RE: Community Distributed collector on Zenoss CORE 6
Author: VP
Posted: 2020-07-09 12:23

Thank you Michael for your detailed explanation.

vinay paduru

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