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Not Able to Change Number of Zenpython Instances in Control Center

Subject: Not Able to Change Number of Zenpython Instances in Control Center
Author: Larry
Posted: 2020-02-04 16:54

We are running Zenoss 6.2.1 and Control Center 1.5.1 (single-host deployment) Community edition.

Within CC we tried to change the count for number of zenpython instances from 1 to 2. However, it won't let us save it with the change. Is there a workaround for this, or is it a bug?

Thanks in advance,




Subject: RE: Not Able to Change Number of Zenpython Instances in Control Center
Author: Larry
Posted: 2020-02-04 18:26

The solution was provided to me by someone on the Zenoss IRC channel:

Run 'serviced service edit zenpython' and change the value for "Instances" to 2.

I also recommend changing the Max value so the number be updated in CC in the future. I found that the number (for instances) had to be changed in order to change it in CC. Just changing the Max value wasn't enough.

Thanks to everyone for their help!


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