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Poskey errors

Subject: Poskey errors
Author: Shea Johnson
Posted: 2019-08-26 15:55

I'm running Zenoss Core 4.2.0 and have been dealing with poskey errors on several hosts when I try to do anything with them through the web page. It all started when a co-worker harshly shutdown Zenoss harshly when I was out-of-office. I have run the Zenoss Toolbox Tools and fixed a few errors, but not everything. The zodbscan still shows "dangling references" but findposkeyerror returns no errors.  Whenever I try to model the affected hosts, the modeling fails, and I get alarms for the processes I am monitoring on those hosts. I've attempted to delete the host and re-add it but get errors when trying to delete it. I also attempted to delete the process from being monitored and see errors as well. From what I can tell, I think the errors are in the Zope Database and seem to be isolated to the process monitoring section. Is there a way to delete the processes from being monitored with zendmd? Hopefully, I can then clean up the remaining errors and re-add the process to be monitored later.

Does that sound like a reasonable idea and if so, does how do I go about deleting monitored processes with zendmd?

Thanks ahead of time for your help!

Shea Johnson

Subject: RE: Poskey errors
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2019-08-31 08:31

Have a look at this wiki item -  for progressively more "agressive" ways to remove a device.  I would strongly suggest that you have a good backup long before you get to the bottom of the procedures ;)


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Poskey errors
Author: Shea Johnson
Posted: 2019-09-17 20:23


Thanks for all of your help so far. I have two follow up questions for you:

1) When deleting an object in zendmd, how do you handle a space? Here is an example of what I'm talking about:
       >>> dmd.Devices.Server.Linux.Dell Servers.devices._delobject('')

2) I think my POSKey errors are from processes monitored by zenprocess since I can't delete/stop monitoring from the Zenoss web page. Can I delete or remove the monitored process with zendmd and if so, how would I do that?

Thanks ahead of time for your help!

Shea Johnson

Subject: RE: Poskey errors
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2019-09-30 07:12

Put the name of the device in quotes as you have done - that should cope with spaces.  Remember that the "name" here must be the id attribute of the device (which isn't always the displayed name - check the id field on the device's overview page.

For processes, there used to be some really good appends on the old old forum but they all got lost :(  I have  a handwritten sheet with my experiments with managing processes from zendmd so i attach a scan.  if you can't read bits, do come back to me.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom



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