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Unable to add a Hub or Collector

Subject: Unable to add a Hub or Collector
Author: Bharat Kumar Kobagana
Posted: 2019-01-24 09:16


I have installed ZenOSS 6.2.1., when I trying to add a new Hub or Collector, I am getting "Error featching daemons list: Unauthorized" error.

Note: I have logged in as admin user.

Thanks & Regards,
Bharat Kumar K

Bharat Kumar K

Subject: RE: Unable to add a Hub or Collector
Author: Jason Olson
Posted: 2019-01-24 10:20

Sorry, what exactly are you trying to do? If you're trying to add a delegate, you may want to check out the installation documentation on installing first a master then delegate hosts located here: Control Center Installation Guide for High Availability 1.5.1
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Control Center Installation Guide for High Availability 1.5.1
Gartner Market Guide for IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools
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You'll never do things like that through the Zenoss interface; the Control Center tab is more a courtesy to provide a quick way to restart failed daemons rather than an interface to configure or mess with adding/removing Control Center components.

Jason Olson

Subject: RE: Unable to add a Hub or Collector
Author: Ryan Matte
Posted: 2019-02-21 11:24

Seeing that type of error generally indicates that you are running a new version of Resource Manager with an old version of Control Center.  The API between Control Center and Resource Manager which allows them to communicate with each other got updated a while back so if you're running an old version of Control Center and a new version of Resource Manager, RM won't be able to communicate with CC to fetch the data it needs to display the daemons list.  What version of Control Center are you currently running?

Ryan Matte

Subject: RE: Unable to add a Hub or Collector
Author: krishna reddy
Posted: 2021-05-19 11:54

Hi Ryan,

Seeing same error and we are running cc 1.6.3 with RM 6.3.2. It works on one cluster however it fails on another with error 'error fetching deamons list'.


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