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DeviceExistsErrors: Ip %s exists on device

Subject: DeviceExistsErrors: Ip %s exists on device
Author: Austin Culbertson
Posted: 2018-10-10 13:29

I am receiving the following error when trying to add the 'virtual' IP of one of my clusters to monitoring:

raise DeviceExistsError("Ip %s exists on %s" % (ip,,dev)
DeviceExistsError: Ip exists on <%device%>

This IP appears to exist on one of the components (a MySQL instance) - it seems unreasonable to me that adding this as its own device in Zenoss would be blocked simply because the IP is found on an individual component of another device. Is this actually what's blocking it? How can I get around this?

Austin Culbertson
NOC Monitoring Engineer

Subject: RE: DeviceExistsErrors: Ip %s exists on device
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-10-11 06:02

Yup - that's what is going on.  If this is a virtual IP that fails over from one device to another, I think you will need to ensure that it is deleted from the first device before the IP can failover to the second device.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: DeviceExistsErrors: Ip %s exists on device
Author: Austin Culbertson
Posted: 2018-10-12 11:18

My hope was that I could have 3 devices in monitoring:

The Virtual IP of the Cluster
Device A (member #1 of cluster)
Device B (member #2 of cluster)

I have recently changed our zModelerLock zProperty to Lock all processes from deletion, because we ran into many scenarios where a process would be legitimately down and the scheduled remodel would remove the process. Now that these are locked from deletion, however, I have remembered that some processes are (for lack of a better term) 'passed' from one cluster to another. i.e. when it stops on Device A, Device B starts running that process.

I imagine there are a few solutions to this, but the first and 'easiest' I considered clearly isn't viable due to not being able to have duplicate IPs in Zenoss. Is there any simple programmatic solution to this that I might not be aware of? i.e. a ZenPack or other function native to Zenoss?


Austin Culbertson
NOC Monitoring Engineer

Subject: RE: DeviceExistsErrors: Ip %s exists on device
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-10-15 10:49

Are you on the free Zenoss Core or on the chargeable Zenoss Service Dynamics?  I believe the chargeable version does have a ZenPack that embraces duplicate IP addresses.

Anyone else have more details?


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: DeviceExistsErrors: Ip %s exists on device
Author: Austin Culbertson
Posted: 2018-10-16 15:48

We're using Resource Manager 4.2.5, and we are using Zenoss Service Dynamics.

Austin Culbertson
NOC Monitoring Engineer

Subject: RE: DeviceExistsErrors: Ip %s exists on device
Author: Dennis Stackley
Posted: 2018-10-17 12:27

We have run into a similar situation whereby two devices (Windows server and EMC SMI-S Provider) must be added into Zenoss but they have the same IP address. We need the ability to monitor the Windows server as a Windows server and monitor EMC storage via the SMI-S Provider running on the same Windows server.

I researched the commercial ZenPacks as Jane suggested and found that the VMware vSphere ZenPack allows one to add the same vSphere Endpoint multiple times with the same IP but under different device IDs. Unfortunately, this won't work for our scenario. We are proceeding down the path of assigning another IP address to the same Windows server. The new IP will be used for the EMC monitoring while the other will be used for everything else. We will not be placing the new IP address into DNS.

Best Regards,

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