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How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise

Subject: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-06-21 13:39

We have been on Zenoss Resource manager 4.3.5 for a few years and every once in a while I inadvertently click on "Dynamic View" when looking at a device.  100% of the time, it generates the following error message: "Error with zenjserver, please check log for errors."
there are no errors in the zenjserver log when I look at it via the Advanced > Daemons page. The little documentation I can find just shows what it is supposed to look like, but nothing on what, if any, configuration needs to be done to actually get it to work.  It's never been that important to us, but mainly due to the fact that it has never, ever, actually shown us any data or graphics!

Any ideas? 

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts



Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-06-29 20:28

Did you verify zenjserver is running on the RM?


Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-07-02 15:32

Yes, it has always been running.

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts

Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-07-02 22:03

And you verified this using the command line, not the webUI?


Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-07-03 11:49

Yes, of course.

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts

Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-07-03 14:43

Try stopping, verifying, then starting? I have never seen this daemon not work before.

What Zenoss ver? Also, what java ver?


Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-07-03 14:58

It's been stopped and restarted dozens of times since 2014, and Dynamic View has never worked, ever.
We are running Enterprise Resource manager 4.2.5, revision 724
java -version
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts

Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-07-04 11:04

Attach the log file for review

Check out the zenjserver.conf to obvious issues as well.


Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-07-05 11:46

This interface won't let me upload/attach files.  I get this error: Must be a supported file. Unable to upload
My files are named zenjserver.log and zenjserver.conf   What's wrong with those names or file types?

FYI, as I stated in my original post, there are no errors of any kind in the zenjserver.log.  Just start and stop messages
Okay, I renamed these 2 files to *.txt and they now upload.  copy-of-zenjserver.txt is the .conf file and zenjserver.txt is the log file.

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts




Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-07-05 13:05

Do you run zope (zenwebserver) on the same server as zenjserver?

Also, lets put zenjserver into debug

logseverity 10 in the conf

then restart and try to access something and see if any more detailed info shows up.

Also, try:

telnet 8700


Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-07-16 09:03

All Resource Manager components run on the same vm.  Impact runs on its own vm.

telnet 8700
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts

Subject: RE: How to get Dynamic View to work in Zenoss RM 4.2.5 Enterprise
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-07-16 09:37

zenjserver log after switching to debug mode:
2018-07-16 09:10:36,944 INFO zen.JServer.JavaClient: stop():stopping java client
2018-07-16 09:10:36,946 INFO zen.ZenJServer: Deleting PID file /opt/zenoss/var/ ...
2018-07-16 09:10:36,946 INFO zen.ZenJServer: Daemon ZenJServer shutting down
2018-07-16 09:10:59,557 DEBUG zen.JServer: Retrieving java client startup args
2018-07-16 09:10:59,558 INFO zen.JServer.JavaClient: run():starting java process
2018-07-16 09:10:59,558 DEBUG zen.JServer.JavaClient: run():spawn process ('java', '-server', '-Xmx512m', '-Dorg.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormContentSize=10000000', '-jar', '/opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.DynamicView-1.2.2-py2.7.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/DynamicView/ZenJServer.jar', '-port', '8700')
2018-07-16 09:10:59,563 DEBUG zen.JServer.JavaClient: connectionMade():java client started
2018-07-16 09:10:59,564 DEBUG zen.JServer.JavaClient: connectionMade():scheduling callback
2018-07-16 09:10:59,564 DEBUG zen.JServer.JavaClient: connectionMade(): done
2018-07-16 09:10:59,928 INFO zen.JServer.JavaClient: 2018-07-16 09:10:59.927:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.5.3.v20111011

2018-07-16 09:10:59,988 INFO zen.JServer.JavaClient: 2018-07-16 09:10:59.988:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}

2018-07-16 09:11:00,027 INFO zen.JServer.JavaClient: 2018-07-16 09:11:00.026:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@ STARTING

2018-07-16 09:11:02,566 DEBUG zen.JServer.JavaClient: doCallback(): callback on deferred java client proc is up

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts

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