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LDAP process monitor

Subject: LDAP process monitor
Author: pasan jayarathna
Posted: 2018-05-29 12:22

Hi All,

I need to monitor LDAP process on Zenoss 4.2.5. kindly please let me know that how can it enable?



pasan jayarathna
sri lanka telecom

Subject: RE: LDAP process monitor
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-06-06 06:29

I wrote a ZenPack for monitoring various aspects of LDAP, based on Alan Milligan's original work.  However, it seems to have disappeared from the ZenPack catalog - hey ho :(

Still waiting for @John to make a more community-friendly ZenPack submission process so, meantme, feel free to grap the latest 1.0.2 version from GitHub at .  The README there gives lots of details. and there is a link to the latest .egg file for download.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

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