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zentrap IP Assignment

Subject: zentrap IP Assignment
Author: Nathan Hathaway
Posted: 2018-04-26 16:43

Im working on a zenoss 5.2.1 system with control center version 1.2.2 and I'm having some issues with configuring the zentrap service.

The system has multiple ip address assigned and I would like to be able to have the zentrap service listen on multiple IPs. I have configured, and it receives traps from, one network successfully but I cant seem to make it listen to the other networks on the server (12 in total) Initially I was thinking to just re-route the packets using iptables but when investigating the rules on the host I saw that serviced is already creating rules to essentially do the same thing, though just with the single IP assigned in the control center interface.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
Nathan H

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