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Issue with marrping

Subject: Issue with marrping
Author: Alessandro Bonani
Posted: 2018-02-16 16:01

Hi folks, 

I was trying to reclassify an event in ZenOSS core 4.2.5.
This event is in the /Unknown event class. 
I previously created a new subclass for it. I set it up fixing the severity to warning and I also writing the regexp for the mapping.

When I try the reclassify the event and I chose the event class I want, I receive the error:

"1 event does not have an event class key. Created 0 event mappings."

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. 
I set up other mappings in the same way and they worked. 

If anyone can give me some tips I can use to investigate or fix the issue, it would be great.

Thank you,

SOC analyst

Subject: RE: Issue with marrping
Author: Alessandro Bonani
Posted: 2018-02-16 16:03

Sorry for the topic of the discussion that has a typo in it.

SOC analyst

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