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threshold of high utilization exceeded:

Subject: threshold of high utilization exceeded:
Author: rop rop
Posted: 2017-11-29 04:29

I have added 10GbE Brocade VDX6740 switch and got lots of "threshold of high utilization exceeded" on every active interface. I've tried to apply this tranform: to see speed of interface and percentage of utilization, but it fails complaining at line:
evt.summary = "High Interface " + evtNewKey + " Utilization: Currently %3.0f%% used (%s)" % (p, convToUnits(currentusage,1024,'bps'))

I don't know what to do to start solving this issue

Any ideas?

best regards

Subject: RE: threshold of high utilization exceeded:
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-11-30 13:38

You might start by adding a line to the transform that reports on the speed.  In that transform, between these lines:
   # Extract the percent and utilization from the summary
   import re
Try inserting:
  evt.compSpeed =component.speed

Make sure it is at the same indent level.  This should create a user-defined event field called compSpeed that you can see in the detail of the event.  Just save that change - you don't need to stop or start anything.  After saving, go back to the transform window and ensure that the code is not in red - if it is then there is a syntax error in your transform code.

Delete existing events for this and check a new one to see if the compSpeed attribute shows - and whether it is sensible / correct.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: threshold of high utilization exceeded:
Author: rop rop
Posted: 2017-12-22 06:22

Thanks for reply,
Unfortunately i wasn't able to make this tranfsorm working, but I have found another one, which is working well:

# Zenoss Transforms for Ethernet Interface Thresholds
# @davidstamen

#SPEED10Mb = '100000000'
#SPEED100Mb = '100000000'
#SPEED1Gb = '1000000000'
#SPEED10Gb = '10000000000'

import re
fs_id = device.prepId(evt.component)
for f in device.os.interfaces():
if != fs_id: continue

regex ='threshold of .*(utilization).* (exceeded|restored|not met): current value ([\d\.]+)', evt.message, re.I)
if regex and device and device.getDeviceClassPath().startswith("/Network/Switch"):
EthernetInterface="current value ([\d\.]+)", evt.summary)
if EthernetInterface:
currentEthernetInterface = float( * 8
evtKey = evt.eventKey
if f.speed == 0: continue
p = (currentEthernetInterface / f.speed) * 100
if "ifInOctets_ifInOctets|high utilization" in evtKey:
evtNewKey = "Input"
elif "ifHCInOctets_ifHCInOctets|high utilization" in evtKey:
evtNewKey = "Input"
elif "ifOutOctets_ifOutOctets|high utilization" in evtKey:
evtNewKey = "Output"
elif "ifHCOutOctets_ifHCOutOctets|high utilization" in evtKey:
evtNewKey = "Output"
evtNewKey = "Unknown"
# Check the speed to determine the appropriate conversion
# Gbps utilization
if currentEthernetInterface > 1000000000:
Usage = currentEthernetInterface / 1000000000
evt.summary = "High Fiber Interface " + evtNewKey + " Utilization: Currently %3.2f%% used (%3.2f Gbps)" % (p, Usage)
evt.message = evt.summary

# Mbps utilization
elif currentEthernetInterface > 1000000:
Usage = currentEthernetInterface / 1000000
evt.summary = "High Fiber Interface " + evtNewKey + " Utilization: Currently %3.2f%% used (%3.2f Mbps)" % (p, Usage)
evt.message = evt.summary

# Kbps utilization
elif currentEthernetInterface > 1000:
Usage = currentEthernetInterface / 1000
evt.summary = "High Fiber Interface " + evtNewKey + " Utilization: Currently %3.2f%% used (%3.2f Kbps)" % (p, Usage)
evt.message = evt.summary

# bps utilization
elif currentEthernetInterface < 1000:
Usage = currentEthernetInterface
evt.summary = "High Fiber Interface " + evtNewKey + " Utilization: Currently %3.2f%% used (%3.2f bps)" % (p, Usage)
evt.message = evt.summary

Now in my event console i can see this:

and the question is:  why TenGigabit interface yelling about utilization (which is low) and how can I deal with this?
Thanks in advance

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