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Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.

Subject: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Marek Milik
Posted: 2017-10-20 03:18

Hi, since some time i can't open Zenoss by WWW interface. When I log in, web browser (Chrome, IE) begin refreshing a few times, and logout. Then, there is often next to button "Log in" is message "Your session has expired, or the entered password or the username is incorrect.
I also notised that Zenoss stopped send e-mails. Disaster :(
Please help. Thanks.

Zenoss 4.2.5, Red Hat 6.3

Marek Milik

Subject: RE: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-10-20 03:41

Hi Marek - a few things...
Can you login to your Zenoss system on a command line.  I would login as myself, su to root and then use "su - zenoss" to switch to the zenoss user.  "zenoss status" should then give you a bunch of daemons all running.  You might post the output here if it isn't all good.

Just a "silly" to check - you don't happen to have the caps-lock set when you type your password?  Done that myself often enough :(

What user are you using to access the Zenoss GUI - yourself or the admin user? If you are the administrator of this Zenoss system, try logging on with the admin user and password if your own user fails.  You might also check out the other thread running today about "Zenoss Core URL login".

Another "silly" to check - have you run out of diskspace?  Including on the /tmp filesystem?


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Marek Milik
Posted: 2017-10-20 05:21

Hi Jane, all daemons are ok:

$ zenoss status

Daemon: zeneventserver program running; pid=30225

Daemon: zopectl program running; pid=30310

Daemon: zenrrdcached program running; pid=30315

Daemon: zenhub program running; pid=30347

Daemon: zenjobs program running; pid=30388

Daemon: zeneventd program running; pid=30424

Daemon: zenping program running; pid=30584

Daemon: zensyslog program running; pid=30720

Daemon: zenstatus program running; pid=30762

Daemon: zenactiond program running; pid=30795

Daemon: zentrap program running; pid=30830

Daemon: zenmodeler program running; pid=30867

Daemon: zenperfsnmp program running; pid=30899

Daemon: zencommand program running; pid=30937

Daemon: zenprocess program running; pid=30981

Daemon: zredis program running; pid=30984

Daemon: zenwin program running; pid=31029

Daemon: zenwinperf program running; pid=31074

Daemon: zeneventlog program running; pid=31113

Daemon: zenrancid program running; pid=4958

Daemon: zenjmx program running; pid=31172

Daemon: zenpython program running; pid=31274

My password is ok too :) I've had this password for 1 year, and i have role :Manager. 
Other Zenoss users have the same problem with log in.
I've checked diskspace (command df) and is ok too.
What can i check yet?


Marek Milik

Subject: RE: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-10-21 06:08

So are you telling me that no-one can access the Zenoss GUI??

Have you tried with the admin user?


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Marek Milik
Posted: 2017-10-23 02:31

When I click the "Infrastructure" button, Internet browser refreshes several times (then I see devices) and logout me.
I checked it on few computers and Internet browsers (IE, Chrome).
This instalation has four year, so something maybe has broken...
I tried with the admin user, situation is the same.

Marek Milik

Subject: RE: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-10-23 04:34

So you can actually get through the login  process?
Do you see the dashboard?
Can you see  the events?
Can you see the advanced menu?

Trying to establish whether the problem is with devices or with the entire GUI and authentication / authorisation.

Re authentication, do you know whether your Zenoss system uses LDAP for authentication?


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Marek Milik
Posted: 2017-10-23 05:18

Yes, I can get through the login process, and see dashboard, events, advences menu, but about few seconds later is logout.
When I log in again, system move me to last position in menu where I was, and few seconds later again log out me.
My Zenoss use local base for users (no LDAP).

Marek Milik

Subject: RE: Problem with access to Zenoss Core by Http.
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-10-23 05:47

OK - sounds like the problem is with devices, not, fundamentally, with the GUI.

I would run the toolbox tools next.  Do you have those?  You said this is a 4.2.5 environment?  If you don't have them, get details from here - .  Worth getting the up-to-date versions if you have old copies.

  • zodbscan
  • findposkeyerror
  • zenrelationscan
  • zencatalogscan
.. in that order.  On their own, they inspect your zope database (ZODB) but won't actually DO anything.  If any command shows errors then run it again with the -f flag to ask it to try and fix the problem.

Do you know roughly how many devices there should be?  These commands can take a long time to run - an hour or two, rather than a minute or two, if you have thousands of devices.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

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