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Network discovery problem

Subject: Network discovery problem
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-04 15:39

I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this problem. I ran network discovery and it appears that all of the parameters i set during the discovery populated empty local configuration settings for every device found during that discovery. for example, snmp version, winrmuser/password, zcommanduser/passowrd, and snmp community on all devices was set to have a local value, and the value was left empty by the discovery wizard.

i'm running 5.0.3 on centos7 via vmware ESXi 5.5

Subject: they can easily be reset by
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-06-05 14:58

they can easily be reset by going to infrastructure, selecting "details" and adjusting the zProperties. I have set up Z5 and can't duplicate this as a bug, so something may have gone wonky on you. That said simply resetting those properties will get you going.

Andrew Kirch

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Subject: i have the same problem, the
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-06 14:25

i have the same problem, the Zpropertie that sets the snmp version does not seem to get passed when the moddeler is ran.

I had to dig around a bit and found the following information:

it seems Roman Bakaleyko found the same problem, it started happening after 5.0.3 and it looks like he fixed the problem. Atleast if this is the same problem as I am facing at the moment.


Subject: Bjacobs, Looks like the same
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-08 06:58

Bjacobs, Looks like the same problem. From my perspective it looked like any of the fields i filled in for the network discovery failed to populate. I tried removing all devices and then doing a discovery again without any properties, but the system must retain the device info somehow as they all came back with the same zproperties set locally. I don't suppose anyone has a good way to reset all the local properties at one time. it's been very time consuming to remove them on each device individually.

Subject: so how do i fix the problem.
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-09 07:27

so how do i fix the problem. ran another discovery last night to pick up a few new items, and it reset all the local properties that i changed back.

Subject: I made the change to the
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-09 10:47

I made the change to the python script as referenced above. i guess i'm not understanding though. i didn't think discovery actually set local properties in previous versions, so why is it now. is this by design even after the script change the local settings for snmp are still getting set (since they are required to run the discovery).

Subject: Same problem here also after
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-17 08:09

Same problem here also after changing the python script as mentioned above.
I've notice that this problem occurs only in certain device path, for example /Network/Router/Cisco or /Server/Linux.
I've also tried to delete and rediscover the devices without success.

Any suggestion



Subject: bump for good luck?!?!
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-23 09:49

bump for good luck!!

Subject: Also had the same problem.
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-08-06 10:50

I was having the same problem.
I edited the script above in the Zenoss.core container and now my devices are being modeled properly when added.
serviced service attach Zenoss.core
vi /opt/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/

Subject: If you would, please file a
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-08-11 09:08

If you would, please file a bug on

Andrew Kirch

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