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SNMPv3 on Cisco devices

Subject: SNMPv3 on Cisco devices
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-12-02 17:00

---This is my configuration for cisco device:
snmp-server group v3group v3 noauth read V3Read write V3Write
snmp-server user v3user v3group v3 auth md5 v3pass
snmp-server view V3Read iso included
snmp-server host version 3 auth v3user
snmp-server enable traps

----This is the command that I use for snmpwalk:"snmpwalk -v3 -u v3user -l noauth -a md5 -A v3pass"

----This is the reponse of the snmpwalk from centos console and the command snmpwalk from the web zenoss interfaz:

SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Cisco IOS Software, C3560 Software (C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(52)SE, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 25-Sep-09 08:13 by sasyamal
SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9.1.564
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (542917743) 62 days, 20:06:17.43
SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 = STRING:
SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: NAME
SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 = STRING: LOCATION
SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices.0 = INTEGER: 6

---This is the complete event about snmp:
Resource: IP DEVICE
Event Class: /Status/Snmp
Status: New
Message: No values returned for configured oids
Event Management...
agent zenperfsnmp
component null
dedupid IP ADDRESS||/Status/Snmp|no_oid_results|4
eventClass /Status/Snmp
eventClassKey null
eventGroup SnmpTest
eventKey no_oid_results
eventState New
evid 000c29ff-c574-a5de-11e4-79b47e2d0025
message No values returned for configured oids
severity 4
summary No values returned for configured oids

manager localhost.localdomain
oid_sample Subset of oids requested ['']
oids_configured 1 oids configured for device
zenoss.device.device_class /Network/Switch
zenoss.device.ip_address IP ADDRESS
zenoss.device.priority 3
zenoss.device.production_state 1000

---And this is the response if I do a snmpwalk with the configured oid (

DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (542938594) 62 days, 20:09:45.94

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SNMPv3 on Cisco devices
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