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Zenoss 6.4.1 Collector Device Limit

Subject: Zenoss 6.4.1 Collector Device Limit
Author: Kai H
Posted: 2020-12-17 16:30

Hello All!

So, I am in a bit of a bind. I have been searching all over for information regarding collector limitations (i.e. how many devices/datapoints per collector). We are rushing to add more collectors to our Zenoss 6.4.1 topology because we are migrating 1500+ networking devices (switches and routers) from Solarwinds to Zenoss due to the recent Solarwinds critical security vulnerability.

I "thought" I remembered reading somewhere that the device limit was 1000 per collector. However, that may be information that is incorrect or old (from the 4.x version days). Does anyone know what the device/datapoint limitations are for 6.4.1 collectors? I will take rough estimates....anything. I just need to know if I should deploy more than 1 collector. Right now, my collector sits with 8 cores and 60GB of memory in a vSphere environment with the out-of-the-box storage configuration (approx. 108GB).

Thank you in advance to the community. I hope to hear from someone soon!

Kai H

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