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Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring

Subject: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-02-28 04:09

Hi all, i want to ask did you have any specific documentation about how to use control center zenoss like i'm using right now??

About how to monitoring my CPU or host engine and to made that graph working on real-time. Here the image that i've been working right now. I'm using ova image and running on virtual box, because my device doesn't have enough RAM and i'm only use zenoss for my final project only just on small scale. I want right now is control center zenoss are running and have a real-time monitoring.

I've run this zenoss on local network.

Your help and response are so helpfull for me, thank you

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-02-28 17:07

Hi Willy
Next step would be to add the Zenoss applikation. Press the +Application button and follow the steps.
Then follow the steps in the Zenoss Core configuration guide.

CC documentation


Hi all, i want to ask did you have any specific documentation about how to use control center zenoss like i'm using right now??

About how to monitoring my CPU or host engine and to made that graph working on real-time. Here the image that i've been working right now. I'm using ova image and running on virtual box, because my device doesn't have enough RAM and i'm only use zenoss for my final project only just on small scale. I want right now is control center zenoss are running and have a real-time monitoring.

I've run this zenoss on local network.

Your help and response are so helpfull for me, thank you

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-02-28 23:26

Already done, but still the graph don't want get real-time data or move like monitoring grap. Here the screen shot on my system

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota



Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-03-01 17:56

This occures when your OpenTSDB database Server is not running or has a problem. In addition the MetricConsumer and MetricShipper must also run.
Can you poste the output of

# serviced service status


Hi all, i want to ask did you have any specific documentation about how to use control center zenoss like i'm using right now??

About how to monitoring my CPU or host engine and to made that graph working on real-time. Here the image that i've been working right now. I'm using ova image and running on virtual box, because my device doesn't have enough RAM and i'm only use zenoss for my final project only just on small scale. I want right now is control center zenoss are running and have a real-time monitoring.

I've run this zenoss on local network.

Your help and response are so helpfull for me, thank you

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota



Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-03-01 18:17

Screen Shot




Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-03-07 23:05

Detail metric shipper on my system

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota



Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-03-07 23:03

Here what looks like my system on Virtual Machine that i've run

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota



Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-03-08 16:12

Hi Willy

A lot of services have a bad state. I recommend to try a staged startup after a shutdown of  all the services. Please follow the steps in this article.

Replace Zenoss.resmgr with Zenoss.core  if you are using the core version.


Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-03-11 01:14

Hello Arthur, did your system ever have can't connect? specially when control center running so low and you trying to restart it with command "systemctl stop serviced" and run it again, but the result get can't connect and don't want to show up control center dashboard page, did you jave some solution or link that i can try to fix that, because i'm always have this problem?

My internet connection for this apps are working fine, and didn't have some network trouble

Thanks for replying my question :)

Willy Surya Hidayat, Indonesia

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota



Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-03-11 16:25

Hi Willy

I cant't remember if I have seen exactely this issue in the past. But what I can tell you is, that the symtoms yor are seeing is mostly related to a base system which does not match the requerments (cpu/disk/memory). Zenoss 5/6 needs a more powerfull base systems as v4 does. I don't know how your underlying systems looks like. Maybe you can have a look at your system performance spezially disk performance.
You need at least 24GB of RAM 4CPU's and a 500GB SSD / or SSHD disk.
If you don't have this resources, the only thing you can try is to do a staged startup to reduce the load during startup and even this will not guarantee that you will have a stable system afterwards.

See also


Hello Arthur, did your system ever have can't connect? specially when control center running so low and you trying to restart it with command "systemctl stop serviced" and run it again, but the result get can't connect and don't want to show up control center dashboard page, did you jave some solution or link that i can try to fix that, because i'm always have this problem?

My internet connection for this apps are working fine, and didn't have some network trouble

Thanks for replying my question :)

Willy Surya Hidayat, Indonesia

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Hi all, i want to ask did you have any specific documentation about how to use control center zenoss like i'm using right now??

About how to monitoring my CPU or host engine and to made that graph working on real-time. Here the image that i've been working right now. I'm using ova image and running on virtual box, because my device doesn't have enough RAM and i'm only use zenoss for my final project only just on small scale. I want right now is control center zenoss are running and have a real-time monitoring.

I've run this zenoss on local network.

Your help and response are so helpfull for me, thank you

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-03-12 05:28

My computer requirment only running using OVA and the system requirment is using 500GB Hard Drive, 6GB RAM, and i'm using 2 core CPU for OVA Zenoss running. System also running on local area network connection, and only using that connection. I'm only using zenoss only for my research that's. Before using this OVA file that i've been download on this page, i'm already tried using auto deploy on Ubuntu Server for zenoss core, my computer server are running using Ubuntu Server operating system.

Did you have any suggestion or link or guide something for to more easy deploy, because i can't still understand on the documentation page that you send it to me, i need more simple documentation and easy to read it too?

Thanks already replied my question and answered it

Willy Surya Hidayat, Indonesia

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-03-12 16:22

Hi Willy

As far as I can tell the OVA and the iso file are pretty well preconfigured and easy to use. So I think you have choosen the right procedure for your installation. On the other hand, even for a small test-installation you have to stick on HW recommandations from Zenoss and this is described (for a single host evironment) on page 14 "Resource requirements for single-host deployments" in the abhove document. This includes:

  • For single-host deployments, the master host requires a minimum of 4 real or virtual CPU cores and 24GB
  • support Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x or CentOS 7.x
Note:An under-resourced master host cannot function properly. Deploy Control Center and Zenoss Core ona master host that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements.

  • The Control Center master host requires high-performance, persistent storage. Storage can be local or remote.
         The overall response times of master host storage affect the performance and stability of Control Center internalservices and the applications it manages. For example, ZooKeeper (a key internal service) is sensitive to storagelatency greater than 1000 milliseconds.

If I look at your environment I think it will not work. 6GB of RAM is in my opinion not engough and I would recommend to think about trying Version 4.

If you still want to spend more time with Version 6 there is one last thing you can try: A STAGED STARTUP! Start a service and wait until it has the OK sign and then start the next one. During the startup keep an eye on your host performance top/sar etc. to see if you can spot any bottleneck.

Start at step one Controlled Shutdown Procedure step by step (link abhove).  Replace step one with

#serviced service stop Zenoss.core
serviced service status | grep -v stopped

Step 3 is not needed

Step 4 is very important You should not have  remaning containers. 

You can ask me if you have any questions about the procedure.

P.S. I'm sorry but there is no easy way in this case :-)


My computer requirment only running using OVA and the system requirment is using 500GB Hard Drive, 6GB RAM, and i'm using 2 core CPU for OVA Zenoss running. System also running on local area network connection, and only using that connection. I'm only using zenoss only for my research that's. Before using this OVA file that i've been download on this page, i'm already tried using auto deploy on Ubuntu Server for zenoss core, my computer server are running using Ubuntu Server operating system.

Did you have any suggestion or link or guide something for to more easy deploy, because i can't still understand on the documentation page that you send it to me, i need more simple documentation and easy to read it too?

Thanks already replied my question and answered it

Willy Surya Hidayat, Indonesia

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Hello Arthur, did your system ever have can't connect? specially when control center running so low and you trying to restart it with command "systemctl stop serviced" and run it again, but the result get can't connect and don't want to show up control center dashboard page, did you jave some solution or link that i can try to fix that, because i'm always have this problem?

My internet connection for this apps are working fine, and didn't have some network trouble

Thanks for replying my question :)

Willy Surya Hidayat, Indonesia

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Hi all, i want to ask did you have any specific documentation about how to use control center zenoss like i'm using right now??

About how to monitoring my CPU or host engine and to made that graph working on real-time. Here the image that i've been working right now. I'm using ova image and running on virtual box, because my device doesn't have enough RAM and i'm only use zenoss for my final project only just on small scale. I want right now is control center zenoss are running and have a real-time monitoring.

I've run this zenoss on local network.

Your help and response are so helpfull for me, thank you

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-03-13 22:17

Did you have link for OVA version 4? 

In here i'm only found communtiy edition, not master OVA

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2019-03-14 10:31

6GB RAM isn't enough to even think of running Zenoss 6.x.  It will, however, run a Zenoss 4.x very nicely.

There isn't an OVA as far as I know but there is an autobuild script.  Start from this link on the wiki -   and make sure you follow the links to download my latest update of the script from GitHub -  .

Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Graph and real-time alert and data for small scale monitoring
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-03-14 11:38

I'm already try that before using OVA Jane and the result even worsed than using OVA. Also the link you give me specially github and wiki it's not working anymore for my system. I'm using Ubuntu Server 16.04.5 LTS, already try what your documentation say on github, but when i try that, it don't work at all and on the TERMINAL say github source doesn't work anymore. Maybe i supposed to you for update or make it more read able and understand guide or documentation.

But thanks for replying my question :)

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota

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