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API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss

Subject: API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss
Posted: 2018-02-23 09:58

I have followed-thru the How-To, found HERE, and encountered no issues at all, until the actual deployment step of the Zenoss core.

At the Control Center / Applications deployment, the message appears once you enter your Deployment ID, the following message appears at the top of the screen:

App deploy failed Internal Server Error: API error (404): {"message":"pull access denied for zenoss/core_6.1, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'"}

Anyone have any idea why this is happening or what I can do to resolve the problem?

I know others suggest using the bootable ISO for deployment, however, the times I've tried that I get absolutely nowhere, meaning that after it says it's successfully deployed, I cannot get to the control center at all. The closest I get to a working deployment is using the How-To I linked above.

IT Tech




Subject: RE: API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss
Author: Sushanth Shetty
Posted: 2018-03-18 15:36

I do have the exact same error. Where you able to fix it? This is my first time installing Zenoss so really appreciate any help I can get

Sushanth Shetty
Ottawa ON

Subject: RE: API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss
Author: Mark Nettmann
Posted: 2018-05-23 08:46

I too am getting this exact error. I would really like to know if anyone has resolved it yet.

Mark Nettmann
Mech Warrior

Subject: RE: API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss
Author: Mark Nettmann
Posted: 2018-05-23 08:56

Worth mentioning that I dont find 6.1 in docker hub, only 6.2. How can I specify to use 6.2 and not 6.1?

Mark Nettmann
Mech Warrior

Subject: RE: API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss
Author: Mark Nettmann
Posted: 2018-05-23 09:42

"serviced template deploy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX default Production" - that fails as well, with the same error. Also found that the user i created did not have access to docker, so i added it to the docker group, and the error of not being able to talk to docker went away, but still stuck with the 404 issue. Also tried "docker login" before I ran the above, and had the same error.

Mark Nettmann
Mech Warrior

Subject: RE: API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss
Author: Mark Nettmann
Posted: 2018-05-30 07:43

I dont believe noone else has experienced this issue - anyone?

Mark Nettmann
Mech Warrior

Subject: RE: API error (404):pull access denied for zenoss
Author: Mark Nettmann
Posted: 2018-06-01 05:48

If anyone find this, I had to start over. I used the official docs, specifically Core Installation Guide 6.1.2 | Zenoss Chapter 5 - thats where i got lost last time.

Mark Nettmann
Mech Warrior

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