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After ISO installation, serviced fail to start

Subject: After ISO installation, serviced fail to start
Author: Alessandro Costa
Posted: 2017-09-21 08:51

Hi all,

I have downloaded ISO for Core 5.3 ISO Master.
I created a VM on VMWare using this ISO. VM has 100GB HDD, 25GB Ram, 4 Core and 4 sockets per core.
After VM setup I logged in as root, change password, edit network settings and hostname and then rebooted.
Now I tried to accesso web page https://myserverzenossip but I received Unable to connect,
so I checked into the server and i found out that serviced fail to start.
Am I missing something in installation? Do you have any idea about this problem?

[root@zenoss-test ~]# docker ps

[root@zenoss-test ~]# systemctl status serviced
â serviced.service - Zenoss ServiceD
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/serviced.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2017-09-21 10:59:12 UTC; 1h 36min ago
Process: 2563 ExecStopPost=/opt/serviced/bin/ post-stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 2534 ExecStart=/opt/serviced/bin/serviced $SERVICED_OPTS server (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Process: 2519 ExecStartPre=/opt/serviced/bin/ pre-start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 2534 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test systemd[1]: Started Zenoss ServiceD.
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test serviced[2534]: Unable to validate server options: Use of devicemapper loop back device is not allowed unless --allow...back=true
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test systemd[1]: serviced.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test[2563]: Thu Sep 21 10:59:12 UTC 2017: post-stopping serviced daemon - waiting for serviced to stop
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test[2563]: Thu Sep 21 10:59:12 UTC 2017: waiting for serviced daemon to stop
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test[2563]: Thu Sep 21 10:59:12 UTC 2017: waiting for serviced to stop listening
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test[2563]: Thu Sep 21 10:59:12 UTC 2017: waiting for serviced isvcs to stop
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test[2563]: Thu Sep 21 10:59:12 UTC 2017: serviced is now stopped - done with post-stop
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test systemd[1]: Unit serviced.service entered failed state.
Sep 21 10:59:12 zenoss-test systemd[1]: serviced.service failed.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.


Ale Ale

Subject: RE: After ISO installation, serviced fail to start
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2017-09-21 16:58


Try to set the SERVICED_ALLOW_LOOP_BACK variable  in /etc/default/serviced to true.

# Set to true to allow use of loopback files (instead of thin pools) with devicemapper for serviced storage.
# NOTE: This is not recommended for production use.


Subject: RE: After ISO installation, serviced fail to start
Author: Alessandro Costa
Posted: 2017-09-22 02:15

Thanks you very much,
that sorted out my problem...


Trying is the first step toward failure

Subject: RE: After ISO installation, serviced fail to start
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2017-09-23 05:18

Hi Ale

Welcome and thanks for the feedback.


Subject: RE: After ISO installation, serviced fail to start
Author: Nicholas Her
Posted: 2017-11-05 19:33

Hello forum, I'm very new to open source monitoring tools. Had been using in-house proprietary tool for ISP employer for 5+ years (not anything like Zenoss or Nagios at all).These tools look promising, but I have no time to explore them. I expect to install an ISO on a baremetal or vm and login to a website then click buttons to auto detect or configure agents to build my network, but this is not happening.

First I installed Nagios, Cutting and pasting command lines to compile for common linux OS (CentOS) not a fun task. It was a miracle for me, this isn't the most popular thing to do.  Log in webgui worked, but Nagios could not even detect its own services and generated errors for itself.

Then I'm trying Zenoss, easy install with ISO. But I have this same exact problem. If this is NOT recommended for production use? How do we resolve this issue. I'm sure we are not the only two here with this issue. If anyone was trying Zenoss Core and they encounter this issue, most likely they moved on to the next open source tool.

I've spent 4 hours trying to get Zenoss Core running, every step is a hurdle. Probably going to Spicework next.


Subject: RE: After ISO installation, serviced fail to start
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-11-07 06:08

For starters, could I suggest you start a new thread on this forum for a new topic?  Helps us all that way.

If you are trying to assess Zenoss then I would start with a virtual machine rather than an ISO build - much more is already done for you.  Follow the links on the home page of this forum for the OVA master machine.

Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

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