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Cannot Access After Fresh Install

Subject: Cannot Access After Fresh Install
Author: Donald Cupit
Posted: 2017-09-14 13:43

I downloaded the Core 5.3 ISO Master file and then created a new machine in Hyper-V, inserted the ISO and let the entire process run thru and complete, however, after all is done I cannot access the site. The console shows the 'Welcome' message page and login.

I have verified that I can ping the machine, and that from the root console that I can ping out from the VM to network resources.

When I visit its URL ( I get
​Cannot Reach This Page.

There appears to be no DNS / Connectivity issues since from the VM root console I was able to 'yum install vim' without issue.

I'm fairly new to Linux and so the auto-installing of the Zenoss core ISO was the primary appeal for using this software, but its failure to work leaves me wondering why.

Donald Cupit
IT Tech

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