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HMaster not starting after upgrade Core 5.2.4

Subject: HMaster not starting after upgrade Core 5.2.4
Author: Devon Solomon
Posted: 2017-05-22 12:06

I just upgraded from Zenoss core 5.2.1 to zenoss core 5.2.4 and HMaster and opentsdb are not passing health checks. Not sure what to check or why its not starting. What should i do to get Zenoss back up and running?

Devon Solomon

Subject: RE: HMaster not starting after upgrade Core 5.2.4
Author: Brian Schimmoller
Posted: 2017-05-22 13:17

You could try some of the troubleshooting here:
How to Recover Control Center from Hardware Failure 

There are some steps in there specifically related to HMaster and OpenTSDB

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