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Zenoss Core 5 - Why can't I start serviced due to the docker container having mo ...

Subject: Zenoss Core 5 - Why can't I start serviced due to the docker container having more than 127 parents / how do I fix?
Author: Ken Jenkins
Posted: 2017-02-28 14:02

We have an issue running Zenoss Core 5.1.10 on CentOS 7.

After installing or upgradiing a number of ZenPacks, per instructions we perform an inline snapshot of the Core 5 container.

The issue seems to spawn from this command: serviced service run zope zenpack-manager install $ZENPACK
This is the command creating a new layer (parent)

We encountered a recent issues where if the container contains more than 127 parents, serviced will not start up.

Error response from daemon: Cannot create container with more than 127 parents

Please provide assistance for us to manage this situation. We attempted using docker commands to clean up but it will not allow clean up.



Subject: You will want to make sure
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2017-03-02 10:32

You will want to make sure you have updated Control Center as well. 1.2+ iirc

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Fresh install issues zenoss core 5.1.9 & 5.2.1
Updated CC