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Unable to load zenoss core

Subject: Unable to load zenoss core
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2017-02-28 00:39

I installed latest version of zenoss manualy as mentioned in but I can't seem to connect to Zenoss core.

I can access the control centre and tsdb interface on 4242 but not able to load zenoss core.
I can't find any resolution for that, so please share on how we can fix this.

Subject: You should be using the
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2017-02-28 09:00

You should be using the documentation on I didn't dig too deep into what you provided, but it says it's Zenoss Core Beta which would be outdated.

Edit: That being said, you will need to go to https://zenoss5.

You didn't specify how you had tried to connect already.

Subject: yeah followed this
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2017-02-28 10:00

yeah followed this instructions

>>That being said, you will need to go to https://zenoss5.

cant we access it with the IP

[root@zenoss ~]# docker ps | grep 8080
8e7608c67501 localhost:5000/c1y9qfkp7rzdde2hl6taca234/core_5.2:latest "/serviced/serviced-c" 29 hours ago Up 29 hours>8080/tcp c1y9qfkp7rzdde2hl6taca234-0

here the docker is running at32773 so it tried to access it with <-public Ip->:32773

Subject: It's meant to be accessed
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2017-02-28 14:00

It's meant to be accessed over port 443. There should also be a link in Control Center under the Zenoss.Core application.

Zenoss.core zproxy vhost https https://zenoss5.

You can reach Control Center by IP. At worst use your hosts file to access the site.

Subject: I had to add a new public
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2017-03-02 14:43

I had to add a new public endpoint under the Zenoss.core. Set the IP address and port there and was then able to access it.

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Zenoss 5.2.1 installation using OVA - Control Center problem