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zensyslog not listening for incoming connectiobs

Subject: zensyslog not listening for incoming connectiobs
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-11-25 09:13

I have a fresh install of Zenoss Core 5. Zensyslog is running on localhost according to the control centre and ps output:

root 8389 1.1 0.1 942240 23284 Ssl Nov24 12:27 /serviced/serviced-controller bruo30tac5kqapz0i0fctanbz 0 su - zenoss -c "/opt/zenoss/bin/zensyslog run -c --logfileonly --monitor localhost "
root 8540 0.0 0.0 77856 1932 S Nov24 0:00 su - zenoss -c /opt/zenoss/bin/zensyslog run -c --logfileonly --monitor localhost
1337 8559 0.2 0.7 571700 150292 Ssl Nov24 2:18 /opt/zenoss/bin/python /opt/zenoss/Products/ZenEvents/ --configfile /opt/zenoss/etc/zensyslog.conf -c --logfileonly --monitor localhost --useFileDescriptor=13

However, nothing is listening on port 514 to accept incoming syslog.

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