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Control Center Access

Subject: Control Center Access
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-02-26 16:02

I was finally able to get Zenoss5 installed on my Ubuntu server using the guide.

Everything installed without error and all processes seem to be running.

However, when I try to access the portal (http and https) at the IP of the server, it says page nto found.

Firewall is disabled.

What else could it be

I want a single server installation.

the serviced file lsits:

# Set enable/disable the agent role, set to 1/0, respectively

# Set enable/disable the master role, set to 1/0, respectively

Are these correct for that type of isntallation

Subject: Please consult the Zenoss
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2016-03-09 12:14

Please consult the Zenoss Installation Guide for the correct settings. You also need ot deal with SERVICED_REGISTRY. You can find the information you need on ~page 20 in the Installation Guide depending on the version.

I suggest reading it carefully, but the below command (From the install guide) should set you up appropriately for a standalone installation.

(as root, and please understand what commands you're running as root do BEFORE YOU RUN THEM!)
EXT=$(date +"%j-%H%M%S")
sed -i.${EXT} -e 's|^#[^H]*\(HOME=/root\)|\1|' \
-e 's|^#[^S]*\(SERVICED_REGISTRY=\).|\11|' \
-e 's|^#[^S]*\(SERVICED_AGENT=\).|\11|' \
-e 's|^#[^S]*\(SERVICED_MASTER=\).|\11|' \

Andrew Kirch

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