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Unable to log in to fresh install of Zenoss Core 5

Subject: Unable to log in to fresh install of Zenoss Core 5
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-12-30 08:20

I've installed Zenoss Core 5, and successfully deployed the services. However, upon completing the installation wizard, I get knocked out to the Zenoss login page, and it says:

Your session has expired,
or the entered password, or
the username is incorrect.

Any attempt to log in as my admin user or regular user results in the same message. After some digging, I haven't been able to find the issue. Can someone direct me on where to look to find the problem


Subject: Did you add your users to the
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-12-30 12:17

Did you add your users to the serviced group so that they can login

Andrew Kirch

Need Zenoss support, consulting or custom development Look no further. Email or PM me!

Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: Oops! Sorry, I thought you
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-12-30 12:26

Oops! Sorry, I thought you meant control center. I completely misread! If you just finished the deploy, I'd suggest deleting and redeploying the application. It'll only take a few seconds since the applications are already downloaded.

Andrew Kirch

Need Zenoss support, consulting or custom development Look no further. Email or PM me!

Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: I've tried redeploying the
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-12-30 12:33

I've tried redeploying the apps a few times. I'm about to try blowing away the server, and starting from scratch.

Subject: I'd suggest that it's less
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-12-30 12:34

I'd suggest that it's less likely to be the server and more likely to be a browser cache issue of some sort.

Andrew Kirch

Need Zenoss support, consulting or custom development Look no further. Email or PM me!

Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: I've tried logging in from
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-12-30 12:35

I've tried logging in from multiple browser on multiple clients.

Subject: Try logging in from a
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-12-30 12:38

Try logging in from a different browser and check the log for the Zope service.

Andrew Kirch

Need Zenoss support, consulting or custom development Look no further. Email or PM me!

Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: Well, before I had a chance
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-04 13:35

Well, before I had a chance to pull the logs from the Zope service, I wound up breaking my install trying to test something unrelated. I had done the previous install using the autodeploy script, so I thought I'd try a manual install since I need to install from scratch, anyway. Unfortuantely, when I finally make it to the point of installing zenoss-core-service from the CentOS 7 repo, I'm running into a dependancy issue:

Error: Package: serviced-1.0.9-1.x86_64 (zenoss-stable)
Requires: docker-engine = 1.8.2

As far as I can tell, there isn't a package named docker-engine in the CentOS, EPEL, or Zenoss repos. Did it get renamed from docker-engine to docker

Subject: Download the latest
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2016-01-04 15:41

Download the latest installation guide - there is section "9 Install Docker" You didn't perform this step.

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: I've looked at both http:/
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-04 15:51

I've looked at both and, but I'm not seeing anything for "Install Docker" except for Ubuntu hosts. Am I looking at the wrong thing I'm trying to install on CentOS 7.

Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2016-01-04 15:55

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: Also, it looks like using the
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-04 15:58

Also, it looks like using the install script from installs 1.9.1 which is apparently too new for this version of servied. I'll dig around tomorrw, and see if I can manually find docker-engine 1.8.2.

Subject: This may come in handy for
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-06 08:27

This may come in handy for someone else looking for it:

Subject: Download the latest
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2016-01-06 08:31

Download the latest installation guide from - there is section "9 Install Docker"

Ignore all your old doc links (BTW: they have been deleted).

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: Now, I've got it back up, and
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-06 13:35

Now, I've got it back up, and running, again. Once, again, I've made it through deploying the Zenoss application, and running through the first time setup wizard. And again, it will not let me log in. I ran tail -f /opt/zenoss/log/event.log from the zope service, and I'm not getting anything useful:

root@444e0e2f9878 /]# tail -f /opt/zenoss/log/event.log
2015-12-03T16:45:26 INFO Z2 Shutting down fast
2015-12-03T16:45:26 INFO ZServer closing HTTP to new connections
2016-01-06T19:26:03 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Wed Jan 6 19:26:03 2016
Port: 9080
2016-01-06T19:26:08 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests

Subject: Interestingly, the only files
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-07 08:18

Is there somewhere else I should look for Zope logs Thanks.

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