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Datasource HttpMonitor FtpMonitor

Subject: Datasource HttpMonitor FtpMonitor
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-01-27 23:43

On a server installed web and ftp service. I can telnet 80 and 21 port without problem
I would like to use the time value in data source HttpMonitor FtpMonitor and set threshold to monitor if web and ftp service is available.
After bind these two template into the device, without change any setting in template, I always receive information level event "Datasource HttpMonitor/HttpMonitor command timed out" and "Datasource FtpMonitor/ FtpMonitor command timed out"

Are these message normalNo firewall installed on the server. Thanks

Subject: I had the same issue with
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-02-20 03:49

I had the same issue with nrpe and DNS monitoring and http_check. Please refer to Perhaps it will work for you as well.

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