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Not Able to Model a Device on a Collector via GUI

Subject: Not Able to Model a Device on a Collector via GUI
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-20 14:50


[I am using the Core version 4.2.5]

I am not able to model devices contained on a collector via GUI, although the modelling takes place fine when done in CLI of the collector and for devices on 'localhost' itself.

Here are the errors that I am getting in GUI -

2015-12-23 21:21:30,157 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Connecting to localhost.localdomain:8789
2015-12-23 21:21:32,752 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Attempting to connect to zenhub
2015-12-23 21:21:39,398 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Attempting to connect to zenhub
2015-12-23 21:21:57,810 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Attempting to connect to zenhub
2015-12-23 21:22:00,179 ERROR zen.ZenModeler: Timeout connecting to zenhub: is it running
2015-12-23 21:22:51,636 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Attempting to connect to zenhub
2015-12-23 21:25:32,961 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Attempting to connect to zenhub
-23 21:31:22,239 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Attempting to connect to zenhub

I checked the log 'event.log' which shows the zenmodeler command that is run to have '--hubhost localhost.localdomain' in it instead of 'localhost:8789'. Shouldn't it run with just 'localhost' Is there a way I can change this setting somewhere

The modelling via GUI was working fine for us until recently when the issue started to occur.



Subject: restart zenhub
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2016-01-29 14:20

restart zenhub

Andrew Kirch

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Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: Did not work
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-02-08 05:07

I have already tried restarting zenhub and all zenoss services several times and it has not worked.

I am thinking the issue is related to zenmodeler running with '--hubhost localhost.localdomain'. It should have the master's IP or FQDN instead.

Subject: Please provide a response
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-02-11 08:30

Hi, could anyone please assist on this issue

Subject: you're right, this likely is
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2016-02-11 15:10

you're right, this likely is a DNS issue.

Andrew Kirch

Need Zenoss support, consulting or custom development Look no further. Email or PM me!

Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

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