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Core 4.2.5 zenping not working correctly

Subject: Core 4.2.5 zenping not working correctly
Author: Devon Solomon
Posted: 2017-07-30 21:36

Our production Core environment is main purpose it so report up/down for Cisco routers & switches. All of a sudden we received a ton of ping alerts. it looks like its for every device in zenoss. I can ping the device from my company laptop, from the GUI in zenoss, and from the zenoss collector through SSH. Yet zenoss still shows the device as down. I have acknowledged the event to see if the clear event just never got generated but the status/ping event comes right back saying the device is down. i have bounced all daemons to see if that would help and it didn't, what else can i check to see why zenoss is showing all these devices are down when they are really up?

Devon Solomon

Subject: RE: Core 4.2.5 zenping not working correctly
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-08-02 12:36

Have a look in $ZENHOME/log/zenping.log for clues.

Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Core 4.2.5 zenping not working correctly
Author: Eirisdg
Posted: 2017-08-03 04:18

I've tried but doesn't have more info than I posted before  :S

Subject: RE: Core 4.2.5 zenping not working correctly
Author: Eirisdg
Posted: 2017-08-03 04:19

I've tried but doesn't show more info than I posted before :S


Subject: RE: Core 4.2.5 zenping not working correctly
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-08-03 07:55

Sounds like maybe something major changed in your network?  New firewall configs?

Been working with someone else recently who has zenping reporting some devices as down.  Suggestions for diagnosing are:

1) Increase the log level on the zenping daemon.  You can do this on the running daemon with "zenping debug".  It's a toggle switch so another "zenping debug" switches logging back to the standard info level.
2) Look at $ZENHOME/log/zenping.log.  You should find that pings are actually sent using the nmap protocol so lines like:

2017-08-03 11:12:39,374 DEBUG zen.NmapPingTask: executing nmap -iL /tmp/zenping_nmap_9mWI8l -sn -PE -n --privileged --send-ip -T5 --min-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-retries 1 --min-rate 1 -oX -

zenping actually constructs a temporary file; for the above line it is /tmp/zenping_nmap_9mWI8l , which has a list of all devices to be pinged.  This file get recreated each ping cycle time so actually catching a file is tricky - shouldn't need it though.  In the zenping.log file, you should see lines like:
2017-08-03 11:12:45,585 DEBUG zen.NmapPingTask: is up!

3) By default, Zenoss builds its own internal map of the network by adding a --traceroute parameter to the nmap command for every 5th poll.  I have seen instances where the normal nmap ping test works but the traceroute version does not.  It hangs and then normal polls get queued up behind it and the device appears down.  To prevent this, edit $ZENHOME/etc/zenping.conf and change traceroute-interval from the default of 5 to 0 - that should prevent the traceroute polls. Stop and start the zenping daemon with:
zenping stop
zenping start
Note this will have turned off the debug flag.  If you want to keep it on while you continue to debug, change the logseverity parameter in zenping.conf from 20 to 10, but don't leave it like this permanently.  Recheck the log file.

4) If you want to manually run an nmap command against a specific device, copy the nmap command from your logfile.  Omit the " -iL /tmp/zenping_nmap_9mWI8l" bit and put the DNS name or IP address on the end of the command.  I would also change the output format from XML (-oX) to normal (-oN). So, to test the host  , use:

nmap -sn -PE -n --privileged --send-ip -T5 --min-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-retries 1 --min-rate 1 -oN -

... to get output like:

# Nmap 5.51.4 scan initiated Thu Aug 3 11:36:31 2017 as: nmap -sn -PE -n --privileged --send-ip -T5 --min-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-retries 1 --min-rate 1 -oN -
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.00033s latency).
MAC Address: 00:50:56:C0:00:08 (VMware)

You could also add the --traceroute command back in:

nmap -sn -PE -n --privileged --send-ip -T5 --min-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-rtt-timeout 1.5s --max-retries 1 --min-rate 1 --traceroute -oN -

Hope that helps someone!

Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

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