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Wildcard event transform to drop windows recovery partition messages

Subject: Wildcard event transform to drop windows recovery partition messages
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-05-16 10:36

Zenoss is trying to report disk information for Windows Server recovery partitions and generating errors:

Looking to formulate a wildcard transform for errors such as:
"Bad counter for device \LogicalDisk(\\\Volume{2de23eda-1ee5-4867-8a58-38fb7c62cd70})\Disk Read Bytes/sec"

Simply put wildcard expression would be "Bad counter for device*LogicalDisk*Volume*" or some such. This would eliminate the error from all machines.

Subject: RE: Wildcard event transform to drop windows recovery partition messages
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2017-07-18 08:53

You could just remove these from being modeled (and monitored) by adding the following regex to zFileSystemMapIgnoreNames



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