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how to create report filter like the default "Availability Report"

Subject: how to create report filter like the default "Availability Report"
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-05-17 21:40

Hey Guys, I am trying to create some customised reports, since this is a multi-tenancy environment, I want to create a report filter on the top of the reports, when we want a report for a specific group ( customer group), we can easily select the group then click generate, all the default report template under "Performance report" have that, but I have no idea how are they created and we can't simply copy them and edit.

I've also attach a screenshot here, this is exactly what I need to create in my customised reports.

Thanks a lot,

Subject: Create a Group and put the
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-05-18 11:41

Create a Group and put the customer's devices into it, then you can select Group as a filter at the top of the Availability Report.

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