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Decommissioned server shows 100 availability on reports

Subject: Decommissioned server shows 100 availability on reports
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-04-14 08:41

I have a set of servers that have been decommissioned. If I run an availability report, they show 100% uptime. The servers are off, and I would expect to see 0% uptime. Is there any method to exclude decommissioned devices from the report

Subject: I think it works it out by
Author: Nick Muir
Posted: 2015-04-22 05:44

I think it works it out by adding the total time of device down events (/status/ping) and subtracting it from the time period giving your the remaining uptime. So if a device is decommissioned its not getting pinged and there will be no events.

The report really needs an option to filter on device state. Only think I can think is that you try to use groups to excluded the decommissioned devices from the report.

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