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Monitor custom properties in zenoss

Subject: Monitor custom properties in zenoss
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-01-25 00:34

Hello guys. i want to monitor the custom properties in linux server. for instance i want to run a script in the linux server and then create a threshold monitor on it. if my script just has a one output the zenoss work fine with it but i couldn't use multiple outputs! this one of my main scripts output:

DSA=0 logloaderd=0 dcm-daemon=1 home=1 officeauto=1 gaas=1 report=1 workflow=1 messenger=1 archive=1 GamWS=1 menu=1 sws=1 WebCache=1 WebCacheAdmin=1 HTTP_Server=1

i want zenoss warn me when one of them is down. thank you.

Subject: Why not just have the script
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-01-26 08:09

Why not just have the script create an event with zensendevent CLI

Subject: you're so lucky, you're
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-01-26 13:07

you're so lucky, you're getting a sneak peak at next month's newsletter. I cover templates, thresholds, and graphs in this article:

Andrew Kirch

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Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: Have a look at my recent
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2015-01-26 13:40

Have a look at my recent append here - - with a little command test script. You need your script to echo to stdout, your variables (which does appear to be what you are doing). You then need to create datapoints for your datasource in the performance template, where the datapoint EXACTLY matches the name of your variables eg. DSA, dcm-daemon, home..... etc

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Subject: Thank you guys.
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-01-29 13:14

Thank you guys.
let me explain where is my problem:
i wrote this shell script:
su - oracle -c'/oracleAS10g/product/opmn/bin/opmnctl status' | tr -d ' ' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="|";}{if($2!="" && NR>3){tempItemId = $2;if (tempItemId in itemID){if ($4 == "Alive"){itemID[tempItemId] = itemID[tempItemId] * 1;}else{itemID[tempItemId] = itemID[tempItemId] * 0;}}else{if ($4 == "Alive") {itemID[tempItemId] = 1;}else{itemID[tempItemId] = 0;}}}}END{printf("OK|");for (x in itemID){printf("%s=%s ",x,itemID[x]) ;}}'
this shell script out put is something like this:
OK|GamWS=1 logloaderd=0 WebCacheAdmin=1 archive=1 workflow=1 report=1 officeauto=1 WebCache=1 menu=1 dcm-daemon=0 DSA=0 process-type=0 gaas=1 home=1 HTTP_Server=1 sws=1 messenger=1

then i create a data source like this:
but when i execute the script again my server this error happens:

i tested almost every thing and i have no idea how can execute my script with remotely on my server.
i appreciate any sort of help.
thank you.

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