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emailing performance reports

Subject: emailing performance reports
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-03-14 10:40

I can't seem to get the performance reports to email...It just sends a blank email.

I can get graph reports to email by using the printable link but I get nothing from the performance reports...

Here's the URL I'm using:


--url="$REPORTS_URL#reporttree:.zport.dmd.Reports.Performance Reports.CPU Utilization"

I've tried adding the how=Average (etc) and still get nothing back.
Also, I would like to know if doExport still works to get a csv

Subject: Zenoss Reports via Email
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-03-17 09:42

Please see section "12.7. Scheduling Reports" in the Zenoss Admin Guide:

Subject: Right. I'm not getting any
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-03-26 09:31

Right. I'm not getting any data in the reports.

I just get back:
Root Organizer: [/Devices \/] Device Filter:
Start Date: 03/19/2014 [select] End Date: 03/26/2014 [select]
Summary Type: [Average \/]

CPU Utilization

Load Avg
% Util

[export all]


$ZENHOME/bin/reportmail --user=admin --passwd= --from="zenoss@server" --address="" --subject="Oracle Prod CPU Utilization Report" --url="$REPORTS_URL/Performance Reports/CPU Utilization"

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