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how can i monitoring the iostat for a linux device for each hard disk

Subject: how can i monitoring the iostat for a linux device for each hard disk
Author: Benny Eduardo Jimenez
Posted: 2020-08-18 10:59

I try to monitorin the IO disk wait for each hard disk in a linux device but I can't graph the information, in the solaris zenpack the hardisk component include the iostat but in the linux hardisk zenpack not

this is the hard disk for linux devices  (command: "iostat -N -x -p")

this is te hard disk for solaris devices

Benny Eduardo Jimenez
Querétaro QUE

Subject: RE: how can i monitoring the iostat for a linux device for each hard disk
Author: Peter
Posted: 2020-08-20 12:20

Zenoss needs to know how to parse out the data from a command like iostat. Did you set a parser on the new datasource?

If the Solaris one is available to apply to the datasource, is the output format the same between Solaris and Linux versions of the iostat command?

Peter Spain

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