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Fix for Serviced command not found

Subject: Fix for Serviced command not found
Author: Mike Prpic
Posted: 2017-11-09 10:54

Hopefully this will save a new dev a few hours of googling:

To reproduce:
  1. Build VM using zenoss-core-5.3.2-1-master.x86_64.iso
  2. Follow instructions at Development Environment - ZenPack SDK 2.0.7 documentation
  3. Create the Helper Aliases and Functions as described
  4. Running any of the helper aliases results in "serviced: command not found"
  1. sudo vi /etc/default/serviced
  2. Locate the line for the SERVICED_ADMIN_GROUP variable, it is probably 'serviced', add the zenoss user to that group using the command "sudo usermod -a -G serviced zenoss"
Suggestion: Update documentation section 'Add a "zenoss" User' to include adding the zenoss user to the serviced group.

Mike Prpic
Contact North

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