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Creating zenoss user in the base host

Subject: Creating zenoss user in the base host
Author: Wonder
Posted: 2017-08-28 02:37

I was going through the development guide of zenpacks. It says that we have to create a user zenoss in the base host. Does base host refers to the machine where zenoss services are running (if it's a single instance)?? Why do we need to create a new user?? Cna't wee do it through the zenoss user in the containers??


Subject: RE: Creating zenoss user in the base host
Author: Patrick McMahon
Posted: 2017-08-28 09:18

Does base host refers to the machine where zenoss services are running (if it's a single instance)??

Why do we need to create a new user??
Non-official reasons off the top of my head e.g. documentation trumps my answers...
1) makes the use of the "--link --install" possible/easier
2) you're not filling your system up with docker images for every development iteration of your zenpack you install
3) you don't have to attach to the various containers to tweak the code (you just make the change in one place, zenpack under development in the mounted /z )
4) changes made in the containers (and not saved as a snapshot) disappear upon restart of the container, linked zenpacks in the /z don't have this issue

If you want to skip using that and just install your zenpack the normal way you can, and you don't need to create the zenoss user

Can't we do it through the zenoss user in the containers??
Yes anythings possible (lots of caveats see above for some of them)

Patrick McMahon
Sr. Client Services Engineer

Subject: RE: Creating zenoss user in the base host
Author: Wonder
Posted: 2017-08-29 01:31

Thanks a lot for the clarification.


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