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Help for a new user

Subject: Help for a new user
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-06-28 18:02

Hello everyone,

I will try to make it short and simple.

We are currenlty having Zenoss running and working fine.

In few days from now we are going to make lots of changes in our work place (different servers (pops), rebuilding the whole network and such)

I have been asked for 2 things:

1) Implent new Zenoss (or upgrading this one) for all the changes

2) My manager wants a network map that will show specific switches/routers/servers in our network - so we can see if something went wrong with these specific units.

Now i'm really new to Zenoss - so i need your help with where to start Do i need to learn and install a fresh new zenoss core

Or can i update the current one after all the changes taken place

About the network map - i know i can see the network map in zenoss - but it shows everything and lots of unwanted networks units. Any known Zenpack that can make the job done

Thank you and sorry for my English and my lack of knowledge of this app.


Subject: Re: Help for a new user who's environment is about to change
Author: Larry Virden
Posted: 2016-06-29 10:12

Good question!

It seems to me that Zenoss itself should not be required to change because of new devices. As long as the version of Zenoss can be configured to talk to the new devices, then it seems like it is a matter of going to the infrastructure tab of the zenoss web page, and filling in information on the details of all the new devices.

What I don't know - because I'm pretty new myself - is whether anyone has any nifty ways to automatically discover all the new devices so that you don't have to type in all the information. Having that, along with something that determined relationships between the various devices, would make the job a lot easier - just run the tool several times during the process of bringing all the new equipment online so that the environment is mapped.

I hope some experts can provide their experiences in best practices for doing this sort of thing.

Good luck!

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