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zenoss 5 - editing zenpack config file

Subject: zenoss 5 - editing zenpack config file
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-03-09 06:59

Hello. I'm new to zenoss 5. I installed zenpack which need installation of some prerequisits and change in config file. Base on documentation I installed prerequisited on Zope. Is it enough (looks like not since I still getting alerts about unmitted dependencies) I noticed that after zenpack installation files of zenpack was propagated to almost all containers... on which one should I edit it

Subject: What ZenPack did you install?
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2016-03-09 14:04

What ZenPack did you install Perhaps the author would have some feedback

Andrew Kirch

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Subject: It was old zenpack so as in
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-03-10 11:34

It was old zenpack so as in most cases just broken links to documentation and home page...

Testing it almost one by one I finally found that this needed one is zope ;) but it probably will be better to just propagate it on all.

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