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vSphere SDK for Perl Install Zenoss Core 5

Subject: vSphere SDK for Perl Install Zenoss Core 5
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-04 17:19

I apologize if this has been outlined before but I was not able to find it. I am trying to install the ESXiMonitor ZenPack and am struggling to get the prerequisites installed within the container.

I have downloaded all of the files, including the vSphere SDK, I just don't know how to make them available in the new shell to extract and install.

Any help is appreciated.

For reference this is where I am stuck. Also, I wonder if the downgrade is addressed with the 6.0 version of the vSphere SDK. Either way I can't figure out how to get it into the container shell.

Downgrade the following two perl packages manually (this is required, because the vSphere SDK for Perl has not yet been officially released for CentOS 7):

Download "Net-HTTP-6.03.tar.gz" and "libwww-perl-6.03.tar.gz"
Extract the archive (e.g. tar xzf Net-HTTP-6.03.tar.gz)
Cd into the newly created directory (e.g. Net-HTTP-6.03)
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Install the vSphere SDK for Perl:

Extract the archive (tar xzf VMware-vSphere-Perl-SDK-.x86_64.tar.gz)
Cd into the newly created directory (vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib)
Run the installer (

Subject: > Either way I can't figure
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2016-01-05 12:34

> Either way I can't figure out how to get it into the container shell.
It's documented

Start a new shell in the running zenhub service and save the service instance with a new name:
serviced service shell -s VMware_vSphere_SDK -i zenhub bash

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: Thanks for the response.
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-05 13:44

Thanks for the response.

Logging into the shell isn't the issue. I don't know how to transfer the downloaded files into the shell. I have read the wiki.

Subject: For example scp.
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2016-01-05 14:39

For example scp.

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: Sure, that enables me to add
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-01-05 14:44

Sure, that enables me to add the files to /tmp for example but that mount is not accessible from within the container. How would you then transfer the files from the base VM into the container that you are working in. I may admittedly be very confused.

Subject: Use scp in the container:
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2016-01-05 14:47

Use scp in the container:

serviced service shell -s VMware_vSphere_SDK -i zenhub bash

scp :/path/file /tmp

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

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