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Zenpack Install Doc WRONG - how do I install?

Subject: Zenpack Install Doc WRONG - how do I install?
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-11-11 13:38

Testing a base install - just installed the Zenoss-approved VM.

I am trying to install a zenpack following the details in the Core Admin doc. The information in the doc does not match what I am seeing at all. Basically the listed services I see looks nothing like the list in the latest documentation.

What is wrong with the doc It says to collapse a list of sub-services and then stop the list, which stops all the sub-services in the list. The problem is that many core zenoss services are not in the list - they are not sub-services.

The docs show you have two services when you collapse the lists - Internal Services and Zenoss.core. I do not have either of these items and I have a lot more, including Zope and zeneventserver which are needed to install zenpacks.

I need to know what services need to be running when I install a zenpack.

Subject: stop the zenoss 5 service
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-11-12 15:28

stop the zenoss 5 service
start zeneventserver and zope
give it a few seconds for them to get running then install your zenpack. Read P161-163 closely, they are accurate.

Andrew Kirch

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Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: What version of Zenoss 5 is
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2015-11-24 08:59

What version of Zenoss 5 is this VM Logon to the Zenoss GUI and use the ADVANCED -> Versions menu.

There have been changes to the layout of Control Center which may explain this.



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