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Error on MyServeName: Server not found in Kerberos databas

Subject: Error on MyServeName: Server not found in Kerberos databas
Author: Joan
Posted: 2015-01-14 08:48

I am trying to add a new device to zenoss using the windows template. I'm having issues simliar to the ones at post (I've followed the same steps)

One thing I had wrong was that I had a wrong PTR entry for the server IP (due to a legacy system that used the same ip address), my guess is that the kerberos client saved the credentials for the wrong server or similar and now its not trying to connect. So far I tested:

Are there any docs to read, pointers, etc I will have a look at the kerberos client now, but I'm yet to find a source with some information on it.

You can read the full error log

I discarded the following possible issues:

Subject: After tracing the issue to
Author: Joan
Posted: 2015-01-15 09:47

After tracing the issue to something related to txwinrm I found there's an upcoming release (1.10), with the patch on the branch the issue is fixed ant the device can be properly modelled.

The github pull is here

Subject: The issue is still present,
Author: Joan
Posted: 2015-01-16 01:44

The issue is still present, only the message was changed to be more informative I guess (still no seeing any communication with the server)

2015-01-16 08:39:26,427 ERROR zen.PythonClient: Error on Server not found in Kerberos database: HTTP@
2015-01-16 08:39:26,436 ERROR zen.PythonClient: Error on Server not found in Kerberos database: HTTP@

Subject: I could debug further by
Author: Joan
Posted: 2015-01-16 02:31

I could debug further by using the instruccions on the wiki, I had misread them and was capturing the traffic to the monitored server instead of the kdc.

The error was (KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN) so now I must solve that one, let's see.

Subject: After doing some cleanup in
Author: Joan
Posted: 2015-01-19 05:19

not working yet ...

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