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Use DNS with NetView. Setup a secondary DNS server on the NetView system. Be religious about ensuring that address-to-name resolutions exist and are accurate. If your systems have loopback addresses, then that's the single entry that you put in the forward files and that's the entry you put into NetView's netmon.seed if you need to. Check the nv-l archive for more instructions ( ) on this subject.

Incidentally, I normally setup a non-DNS SmartSet? that catches any hosts that NetView finds that isn't in the DNS. If you have done the 5-day NetView class, you will have seen this. It's a horrible regular expression to type correctly but you basically create a SmartSet? of nodes whose hostname field is an IP address. The expression you want is (I hope): ~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$

That is:

~ denotes a regular expression rather than an exact match. You select this from a box selection in the SmartSet? editor.

^ denotes the start of the line.

[0-9] denotes the characters 0 through 9.

{1,3} denotes the previous field between 1 and 3 times ie values strictly between 0 and 999 - not quite good enough to match strict IP addresses but probably close enough.

The "." in the IP address you have to escape with a "\" as otherwise "." matches any character

..... all that 4 times over.

$ denotes the end of the expression.

You can use nvUtil l to print out a list of the members of the non-DNS SmartSet? and send it to whoever maintains your master DNS.

An additional useful hint from Bill Evans ------------

A slight extension to Jane's suggestion which, by the way, works perfectly. Cut and paste this to a shell script (or a single line) and you can avoid the typing. The command will add the rule where the SmartSet? editor won't allow cut and paste. (Subject for a customer requirement).

nvUtil a NotInDNS? "Hosts not in DNS" "('IP Hostname' ~ '[1-9]{1,3}\.[1-9]{1,3}\.[1-9]{1,3}\.[1-9]{1,3}')"

PS, it even displayed the entries where I manually changed the label displayed on the icons.

Bill Evans

-- JaneCurry - 28 Oct 2004