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How things get started up on Linux

Most Linux distributions use a variant of the System-V init. Startup scripts are held in /etc/init.d (or sometimes /etc/rc.d/init.d) and are linked into directories for each runlevel, usually named /etc/rc1.d =/etc/rc2.d= and so on.

Links are managed by the chkconfig command, which takes information from a set of structured comments at the top of each startup script. The details of these comments, and of the support procedures that can be used in startup scripts does vary from one distribution to the next, so watch out!

As an example, see the attached startup script for exim on Red Hat Linux.

-- AndrewFindlay - 22 Jan 2004

Attachment: sort Action: Size: Date: Who: Comment:
exim action 1512 22 Jan 2004 - 22:20 AndrewFindlay Startup script for exim mailer on Red Hat Linux