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This script was donated by Ray Mahon who has done a fantastic job - but usual rules apply. It is a donated sample and no responsibilites or liabilities will be accepted.

The purpose is to provide availability statistics on NetView-monitored nodes, on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Data files are generated using the standard facility (at least with later versions of NetView - 7.1.4 FP02 and later) of setting the NMAVAILABILITY environment variable to 1. Data files are then generated in /usr/OV/databases with filenames of:


Put the following lines in /usr/OV/bin/netnmrc.pre (which may not exist in your environment yet), and restart all NetView daemons. The data file will be created as soon as an "availability" event takes place.


The Perl script, takes a number of parameters - use -? to get a usage. The default is a detailed report but you can also get a summary report and include a report on newly-discovered nodes, on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. I use: -d -n -s -v

to get a detailed and summary report, inluding new node reporting and a report on unmatched up/down traps. Output files NV_Availability.log and NV_Summary.log will be generated in the current directory. If you don't specify any parameters, no processing occurs.

The script creates a file called wrk_fle in /usr/OV/databases. You either need to run the script as root, or you need to create this file first and make it writable by any users you wish to run the script.

I have tested the script on AIX 5.1, Solaris 2.8, RedHat? 7.2 and SuSE? 9.1 Professional. Ray has also run it on a Windows platform. The only thing you may have to change is the first line with the path to your Perl binary.

-- JaneCurry - 08 Apr 2005

Attachment: sort Action: Size: Date: Who: Comment: action 32831 08 Apr 2005 - 11:46 JaneCurry
nmavail_sample_report.output.txt action 36476 08 Apr 2005 - 11:46 JaneCurry Sample output reports from