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Framework for Directory Deployment


The directory is an important service when implemented correctly. The success or failure of a deployment project will be influenced by a range of factors. As such it is better to step back and get a wide, balanced viewpoint as early as possible. Begin by looking at what you want the service to do. The directory was designed support services that require addressing information, anything from fax and e-mail to video conferencing and public key management for security systems. The requirements will stem directly from the applications you currently provide and aim to provide in the future, as the directory is supporting infrastructure for these. How accessible the directory is and how well it integrates with existing services is the key and deciding factor. Defining exactly what you want to achieve is essential, as this will clearly delimit what you will have to do. However, in-built flexibility is always useful, as determining the requirements for a service as potentially wide ranging as the directory will be difficult! Once you have decided on the desired functionality you can move on to the practicalities. Some of the more important considerations are: Your legal responsibilities. Selecting the appropriate technology. Security policy. Procuring the right software. Gathering the data and converting it to populate the directory. Managing the data and maintaining the service.

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