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Cisco Gateway monitoring via SSH

Subject: Cisco Gateway monitoring via SSH
Author: alex govorkov
Posted: 2021-02-17 06:50

I have a question concerning the description of datapoints from zenoss SSH.

 I have a Cisco Mobile Gateway with StarOS (not Linux like) on it.

The output of the "show  cpu table" command from zenoss server via SSH is :

So I can choose any of this counters with command (for example)

show cpu table | sed -n '4p' | awk '{print $5}' (I guess it Is 4th line 5rd raw)
and get an output like this:


Then I added this gateway to /Server/Cmd device class. 
And tried to create a datasource in zenoss with this options:

After that, if I want to graph this counter I belive I have to create a datapoint in this datasource.
What options for datapoint should I use? 

I'd appreciate your help


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