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Zenoss 4.2.5 - SNMP v3 EngineBoots cache

Subject: Zenoss 4.2.5 - SNMP v3 EngineBoots cache
Author: Pheripheral Pheripheral
Posted: 2021-02-11 10:09

​One of the devices we're monitoring via snmpv3 in Zenoss 4.2.5 instance, is unfortunately not persisting its engineBoots value when its snmp agent restarts. This means that once the device restarts Zenoss is raising no response received errors as the snmp replies are deemed to be invalid due to the engineBoots value having been reset to 1.
I can fix this by restarting the zenperfsnmp daemon but this isn't ideal and not something that should be necessary or that we're able to do everytime it happens.

Is there an easier / better way of clearing the cached engineBoots value for our device?


Pheripheral Pheripheral

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