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Zenoss 4.2.5 zenbatchload

Subject: Zenoss 4.2.5 zenbatchload
Author: Davide Mancosu
Posted: 2020-12-14 13:21


I am using zenbatchload to bulk load a number of devices.
In zenoss 3.2 I used a txt file like this:

device-RM setManageIp='',zSnmpCommunity='xxxxxxxxxxx',zSnmpVer='v2c',locationPath='/Roma',devicePath='/Server/Linux',groupPaths='VSTP_OC3C'

In zenoss 3.2 the device is loaded correctly.
In zenoss 4.2.5 it is not loaded and the following is returned:
> zenbatchload TSG-800.txt
2020-12-14 11:48:43,446 INFO zen.BatchDeviceLoader: Creating initial device device-RM (customized properties are set after creation)
2020-12-14 11:48:43,496 INFO zen.Device: device name 'device-RM' for ip ''
2020-12-14 11:48:43,510 INFO zen.DeviceLoader: Manage IP already exists
2020-12-14 11:48:43,510 ERROR zen.DeviceLoader: Unable to add the device device-RM
2020-12-14 11:48:43,511 ERROR zen.BatchDeviceLoader: Unable to find newly created device device-RM -- skipping
2020-12-14 11:48:43,512 INFO zen.BatchDeviceLoader: Creating initial device device-MI (customized properties are set after creation)
2020-12-14 11:48:43,558 INFO zen.Device: device name 'device-MI' for ip ''
2020-12-14 11:48:43,561 INFO zen.DeviceLoader: Manage IP already exists
2020-12-14 11:48:43,561 ERROR zen.DeviceLoader: Unable to add the device device-MI
2020-12-14 11:48:43,561 ERROR zen.BatchDeviceLoader: Unable to find newly created device device-MI -- skipping
2020-12-14 11:48:43,561 INFO zen.BatchDeviceLoader: Processed 0 of 2 devices, with 0 errors
2020-12-14 11:48:43,561 INFO zen.BatchDeviceLoader: Unable to process 0 entries

Why if I set different IP Address in setManageIp=''  ?
2020-12-14 11:48:43,558 INFO zen.Device: device name 'device-MI' for ip ''
2020-12-14 11:48:43,561 INFO zen.DeviceLoader: Manage IP already exists

Are this parameters

Can anyone suggest me the correct compilation of the txt file to pass as an argument to zenbatchload?

thanks in advance

Davide Mancosu
system administartor
Tiscali Italia S.p.A.

Subject: RE: Zenoss 4.2.5 zenbatchload
Author: Michael Rogers
Posted: 2020-12-14 18:23


Zenoss Core 4.2.5 should allow you to run zenbatchload with the `--sample_configs` flag to see samples of the batchload syntax.  Here is the output when running the command on my 6.4.1 instance:

$ zenbatchload --sample_configs
# Example zenbatchloader file (Groups, Systems Locations, Devices, etc.)
# This file is formatted with one entry per line, like this:
# /Devices/device_class_name Python-expression
# hostname Python-expression
# For organizers (for example, the /Devices path), the Python-expression
# is used to define defaults to be used for devices listed
# after the organizer. The defaults that can be specified are:
# * loader arguments (use the --show_options flag to show these)
# * zProperties (from a device, use the 'Configuration Properties'
# menu item to see the available ones.)
# NOTE: new zProperties *cannot* be created through this file
# * cProperties (from a device, use the 'Custom Properties'
# menu item to see the available ones.)
# NOTE: new cProperties *cannot* be created through this file
# The Python-expression is used to create a dictionary of settings.
# device_settings = eval( 'dict(' + python-expression + ')' )

# Defining groups

#Defining systems

# Defining locations
/Locations/Canada address="Canada"
/Locations/Canada/Alberta address="Alberta, Canada"
/Locations/Canada/Alberta/Calgary address="Calgary, Alberta, Canada"

# If no organizer is specified at the beginning of the file,
# defaults to the /Devices/Discovered device class.
device0 comments="A simple device"
# All settings must be seperated by a comma.
device1 comments="A simple device", zSnmpCommunity='blue', zSnmpVer='v1'

# Notes for this file:
# * Oraganizer names *must* start with '/'
/Devices/Server/Linux zSnmpPort=1543
# Python strings can use either ' or " -- there's no difference.
# As a special case, it is also possible to specify the IP address
linux_device1 setManageIp='', zSnmpCommunity='blue', zSnmpVer="v2c"
# A '' at the end of the line allows you to place more
# expressions on a new line. Don't forget the comma...
linux_device2 zLinks="<a href=''>Support site</a>", zTelnetEnable=True, zTelnetPromptTimeout=15.3

# A new organizer drops all previous settings, and allows
# for new ones to be used.
/Devices/Server/Windows zWinUser="administrator", zWinPassword='fred'
# Bind templates
windows_device1 zDeviceTemplates=[ 'Device', 'myTemplate' ], rackSlot=1
# Override the default from the organizer setting.
windows_device2 zWinUser="administrator", zWinPassword='thomas', setProdState=500, rackSlot=2, settingsDevice setManageIp='', setLocation="123 Elm Street", setSystems=['/mySystems'], setPerformanceMonitor='remoteCollector1', setHWSerialNumber="abc123456789", setGroups=['/myGroup'], # Apply custom schema properties (c-properties) to a device
windows_device7 cDateTest='2010/02/28'

# If the device or device class contains a space, then it must be quoted (either ' or ")
"/Server/Windows/WMI/Active Directory/2008"
windows_device_3 setTitle="Windows AD Server 1", setHWTag="service-tag-ABCDEF", setPriority=2

# Now, what if we have a device that isn't really a device, and requires
# a special loader?
# The 'loader' setting requires a registered utility, and 'loader_arg_keys' is
# a list from which any other settings will be passed into the loader callable.
# Here is a commmented-out example of how a VMware endpoint might be added:
#/Devices/VMware loader='vmware', loader_arg_keys=['host', 'username', 'password', 'useSsl', 'id']
#esxwin2 id='esxwin2', host='esxwin2.zenoss.loc', username='testuser', password='password', useSsl=True

# The following are wrapper methods that specifically set properties on a device:
# setManageIp
# setPerformanceMonitor
# setTitle
# setHWTag
# setHWSerialNumber
# setProdState
# setPriority
# setGroups
# setSystems

There shouldn't be any difference in acceptable syntax between 4.2.5 and 6.4.1, but I would recommend running the command on your system to confirm.

Michael J. Rogers
Senior Instructor - Zenoss
Austin TX

Subject: RE: Zenoss 4.2.5 zenbatchload
Author: Davide Mancosu
Posted: 2020-12-15 03:23

Thanks Michael it works now.

Davide Mancosu
system administartor
Tiscali Italia S.p.A.

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