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Zenoss 4.2.5 Event Transform

Subject: Zenoss 4.2.5 Event Transform
Author: Davide Mancosu
Posted: 2020-12-10 13:57


I'm trying to get the value of an attribute contained in event details like this:
ifDescr.21618.36          MTP2_LINK_TS_16
I know how to get the value if the attribute was just "ifDescr", but in this case the numeric code (.21618.36) that follows changes.
For example, if I have an event on MTP2_LINK_TS_17, it change in:
ifDescr.21618.37          MTP2_LINK_TS_17

I know how to get the attribute with getattr() but not in this case.
I need this value to change the event summary and to apply an event de-duplication.
So the question is:
- How can I get the ifDescr value?

Davide Mancosu
system administartor
Tiscali Italia S.p.A.

Subject: RE: Zenoss 4.2.5 Event Transform
Author: Pheripheral Pheripheral
Posted: 2020-12-11 09:02


I came across a similar problem recently, where the event attribute had .0 or .1 etc.. on the end so changed my transforms to use something like the below instaed of getAttr():

# get attribute
for key in evt.details._map.keys():
    if key.startswith('ifDescr'):
        ifDescr = evt.details.get(key)

Essentially, looping through all the event fields and checking which one starts with the string that you're looking for.
As with most things I figured this out with the help of one of Jane Curry's pdf documents, I forget which one.

Hope this helps

Pheripheral Pheripheral

Subject: RE: Zenoss 4.2.5 Event Transform
Author: Davide Mancosu
Posted: 2020-12-11 15:07

Thank you for your answer. I'm not a python developer, I work with PHP and javascript.
I have just finished now with a script that works.
This is my code:
if device and evt.DeviceGroups and evt.DeviceGroups == '|/VSTP':
   for i in range(1, 500):
       if (hasattr(evt.details, 'ifDescr.21618.%s' % (i))):
          descr=getattr(evt.details,'ifDescr.21618.%s' % (i))
          evt.summary = descr
          evt.component = descr
it's not as simple and clean as what you suggested but it works. Anyway, out of curiosity, I'll test with the code you suggested.

Davide Mancosu
system administartor
Tiscali Italia S.p.A.

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